Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stone Tanking in the Statesman TF

Ran a Statesman TF today as my Stone/Fire Tanker, Annzilla (I'm the green lizard lady sitting down).

The team consisted of mostly folks who never ran it before. You can imagine my anxiousness as the team leader. I really want it to be a good experience for folks and running a TF with the possibly of team wipes is not the ideal situation.

Needless to say, this run nearly could have been a Master of Statesman TF (with the exception of one death in the first mission). Yes, we kicked butt that much.

Its also worthy to note that I have never run the STF as a Stone Tanker before. I couldn't believe how freaking easy it was compared to running one an Invulnerability Tank. Stone Tanks got it easy. Seriously! I'm looking forward to running it as other Tanks. =)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Moving Again?

I apologize for my absence -again.

I do have several excuses:
  1. I'm busy playing issue 13, duh!
  2. I am once again entertaining the idea of moving this blog over to wordpress
The reason for #2 is because, if you haven't already noticed, the site looks like stinky poo poo. I really am no good with the blogger format. I admit, I haven't put a 100% effort in actually trying to theme it out due to having to write it in XML format. And as always, it does not nearly have the same level of customization as WP.

Decisions, decisions.

What do you think?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Introducing NeoGeode

That's right, I made a new Tanker. No surprise there given what I want to do (get all Primary tanking powers to level 50).

Although other people don't really have the same goal I do, with the Shields power being new, everyone and their mom rolled a new Shield toon. We'll see how those new Shield Tankers last, especially those that do not normally play Tankers. I think it takes a certain type of person to play Tanks and actually like it. It's slow leveling (unless you know how to run your own teams), so it starts to feel like pulling teeth after a while.

Definitely not for the faint of heart.

As for NeoGeode, she is a Shields and Stone Melee. I am loving the different graphic options you get for the shields. It certainly opens up options concept-wise. If they had gone the way of the broadsword, axe, and mace pre Issue 11, all the concepts will be something medieval-ish. This way, I get to be a psuedo Stone Tank =)

For her concept, I gave a kind of anime spin to her. You know, bright colors and funky hair. And I rather like the look of her.

I don't really have a background story for her. I didn't put much thought into a background story for her when I made her. But its very likely going to be something cheesy very much like the animes (not that cheesy is a bad thing, mind you!)

Don't mind me, I am just admiring myself.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

City of Heroes Servers Down!

Apparently the CoH servers are down, like, right now! I suspect that it either means that issue 13 will be live once its back up or that they are jump kicking the holiday event. Either way, I'll be on tonight for some fun!

Status Update:

Many apologies for not updating. Referring to the last post, I was unable to run the test speed run. RL and all that caught up with me with Thanksgiving in between as well so I haven't been too active in Paragon City (or the Rogue Isles) too much.

I've also been cheating a bit on City of Heroes... I started playing World of Warcraft again. I am actually juggling between the two games (WoW is currently winning), but I'll most certainly dedicate some time to CoH and Paradoxic this weekned.

I promise!