Thursday, August 12, 2010

Going Rogue: ViDoc #4, Brave New World

Oh look! Another GR video!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going Rogue: Imperial City Video

Yup, I'm still procrastinating. This time, I got a nice new video from COH in my feeds.

Random Stuff About My Characters and Going Rogue

I'm trying to procrastinate from getting any work done, so I thought I'd post here about some (random) thoughts and plans I have once Going Rogue goes live.

I've gotten my brother into playing COX and have created a few new characters to team with him as a result.

There's Zazza, an Elec/SD Brute that I've created for farming purposes. She is currently sitting at lvl 25 and I am anxious to get her to 50, but am moving slowly at it due to level pacting with my brother. I'll probably end up getting out of the pact once I hit 30ish, but that remains to be seen.

I've also created Arbiter Ann, an Arachnos Soldier who will likely be branching off into the Crab Spider track. This toon is also level pacted with my brother's other toon, a Soldier also. So far, I am having a blast with her on teams (with my brother) and we were able to get from lvl 11 to 23 in one night teaming on a mostly VEAT team. Its really a sight to behold with all those buffs.

Lastly there is Annzebub, who is a Demon/Therm MM. I rolled her about a month ago to check out the Demon set, but I really should have waited until GR hit before creating her. Oh well. She is still pretty fun to solo with on occasion.

Once GR goes live, I will be creating a Fire/SD scrapper, Flambedoll, to solo through the new content as a Praetorian (Loyalist). I'm going to take my time with her and probably keep her there until they come out with lvl 20+ content there. She was originally to be the farming toon, but seeing how as I am leveling up Zazza, and that the market is merging for easier access to IOs and recipes, I may just have her be the farmer now. But then again, it doesn't hurt to have a second, third, or even fourth back up farmer!

In other news, with GR coming out, I guess my burning question is whether or not there will be new recipes! I've checked all possible forums and there is little to no mention of that particular aspect of GR. I really need to know because I'm planning to respec a bunch of my characters to existing recipes. I'm holding back on this right now because I don't want to miss out on recipes that may be better than what I'm planning.

In site news, with the ability to switch sides and the like, I am going to have to change some of the labels I've been using for this site. Thats lame.

Lastly, there will be free server transfers coming out soon. So now I am debating about whether or not I should move my very first character that I created on Pinnacle to Virtue... or whether or not I should move some less played characters on Virtue to elsewhere, to free up space? I know free transfers will come again in the future and I do feel that this is all kind of rushed for me, so I am going to have to think about this. And besides, with the free server transfers, you can game the system to be able to get a free character name change by moving the character out of the server, creating a character with the same name on the original server, then moving the character back to the original server for a free name change token since that name would now be taken. Now I am wondering if I should change a few names.. like Ms Ann's? I really HATE the "Ms" in front of it, but "Ann" was already taken when I moved to Virtue. So I'm not sure what else to name her. Decisions, decisions. There are also a few other character names that I haven't mentioned here yet (mostly because I don't play them because I don't like their names), that I am thinking about changing as well.

We'll see.

Okay, that's it for the random thoughts. Back to work.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Master of Imperious Task Force

Woohoo! Got the badge on my main hero, Ms Ann.

It was pretty much the first night back from my mini break and I get the badge. Good times.

Pictured above (L-R) is Master Kronos [Elec/Stone Brute], Kokuin [Ice/Ice Tank], ACFU [DM/DA Scrapper], Ms Ann [Inv/BA Tank], Pyroplasm [Fire/? Blaster], Al'verde Beskotin [Spider], Athene Aegis [Fire/SD Scrapper], and Blood Wrath [MA/Regen Scrapper] is the guy with no pants on.

I started attempting the MoITF about 6 months ago, with many different team builds, but it was alwasy very difficult to find success. Problems ranged from team members who lacked the experience, team members who are running the TF for XP (not the badge), poorly built/slotted team members, too many squishies on the team, horrible lag (glad they finally fixed it!), or a lack of aggro and damage mitigation. I probably attempted it about 10 times or more, all failures.

This team, which is not the most "conventional" team make up for a MoITF, I finally got the dang badge. Our team had zero support characters (no h3al0rz!!1) where the only "support" type is the Spider with the team buffs. But to make up for the lack of support, our team was a damn sturdy team, with plenty of aggro management.

I guess, it also helped that there was about 4 other team members who have been running those MoITF attempts with me previously, so we were able to learn together from past mistakes.

The team also included a few members who were not all level 50 (I think 3 people dinged during the TF), or had fully IO'd builds, but it went pretty smoothly because the team actually worked together and there was communication and follow-through. There were a total of 3 *heart attack moments* but we've recovered otherwise, and I'm proud to finally be sporting my new badge!

Next on the list is to get the Master of 5th Column TF on for Ms Ann! Given the fact that I've been running that TF ad nauseam before my mini-break, that I have a pretty good handle on how to successfully complete it.

The Break Didn't Last Very Long

So we all know I had a self enforced break from COH because I made such a big deal out of it, but it only took me 11 whole days to finally resubscribe.

I think the withdrawals were bad enough that I resubbed for a whole 6 freaking months!

I'm a bit worried for myself now.

Ah well, I suppose I ought to make the best of it anyways.

Stuck in a Burning Can

That looks uncomfortable